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Simple Techniques For Better Photos

I do a lot of photographing of products for my Survival Resources  website, as well as taking photos for articles that I write. I also, on  occasion do a YouTube video. Over the years I have learned some simple  techniques which allow me to enhance my photos, as well as videos. I  thought I might share some of these techniques so you can do so as well.

History of the Spark-Lite Fire Starter

The Spark-Lite™ Fire Starter is a very unique fire starting device, and the first one-handed fire starter. I have seen various references made to the origin of this device, from "it was developed by the military" to "the Spark-Lite Fire Starter, made by ...." I have also seen many copies, especially in the last few years, and so felt that the credit for this unique fire starting device should be given to the individual that actually invented it, designed it, and has been manufacturing it ever since.

Hiking the Swiss Alps

If you have never had the pleasure of visiting the Swiss Alps, you have truly missed an experience of a lifetime!  Whenever I mention that I hiked the Swiss Alps, I'm often asked what precipitated such an excursion.  Well here is the story of how I got to hike the Swiss Alps.

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