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Fire Blowing-Tube™

  • $12.95
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Fire Blowing-Tube™

  • Weight
    0.05 lbs
  • SKU

In order to have fire, you need fuel, heat, and oxygen. Sometimes getting the oxygen into a fire in the area you want it is difficult. You have probably seen people use a hat to try and fan extra oxygen into a fire. Our Fire Blowing-Tube™ allows you to blow oxygen directly into a fire at the bottom, where it is needed, without you having to lean over the fire. It can be used to start a fire, sustain a fire, or bring a fire back to life. The entire Fire Blowing-Tube™ fits in the palm of your hand and can be easily carried in the provided bag, in a pocket or a pack. Our Fire Blowing-Tube™ is unique in that it uses a combination of a stainless steel collapsible tube and a flexible clear plastic tube. The plastic tube can be removed, allowing you to use it as a drinking tube in an emergency situation, or replace it when needed. For those who are not allergic to latex, it can also be replaced with surgical tubing. The advantage of using both a rigid and flexible tube is it allows you to place the front of the rigid metal tube horizontally in towards the base of the fire while the user can remain upright. Fully extend the collapsible tube before using and DO NOT place the metal tube directly into a fire. You should place it close to the base of the fire, while continually blowing through the tube from the flexible end, and then remove it. This action can be continued over and over as needed. DO NOT place the flexible tubing in or near the flame. The collapsible stainless steel tube portion of the Fire Blowing-Tube™ was designed, so when it is collapsed, the smallest front tube extends 1/2" past the other sections so you can easily grab it with your fingers. This allows you to easily pull all sections out to the fully extended position. The bag the Fire Blowing-Tube™ is packaged in, was designed to be used as a zip-closure bag to store your Fire Blowing-Tube™ when not in use. You can also carry some of your prepared tinder in the bag so it is available when you need it. A Fire Blowing-Tube™ is an ideal item for all survival kits, Get-Home and Bug-Out Bags, Bushcrafters, campers, and adventurers. The Fire Blowing-Tube™ measures 3-3/4" collapsed and 11" fully extended. The flexible tube, attached, measures 2 feet long. The entire device weighs 0.3 oz. 

A Little History Lesson! As many who know our owner, John D. McCann, he has been using a Fire Blowing-Tube™ for many years. At first he used a straight piece of copper tubing, but found that you had to lean over the fire to blow oxygen towards the bottom of the fire, so he added a flexible tube to one end which he could place in his mouth. He could then direct the copper tube towards the fire and he could remain in an upright position. However, the piece of copper tuning was rather long and difficult to carry conveniently. As time went on, he wanted to make the device smaller. Looking at an old antenna on a broken portable radio, he knew he had a replacement for the solid copper tube. He used the collapsible antenna, with some modifications, from the broken radio. This allowed him to collapse the tube when not in use. With the flexible plastic tubing on one end of the collapsible metal tube, it allowed him to remain back away from the fire and direct the metal tip of the blowing tube towards the bottom of the fire from the side, and yet you didn't have to lay vertical to the fire. He shared this fire blowing tube in his first book, "Build the Perfect Survival Kit" written in 2004, and again in his book, "Stay Alive! Survival Skills You Need, published in 2011. A couple of years ago he also did a YouTube video showing how to make a Fire Blowing-Tube™ using an old collapsible antenna. Many people have asked that Survival Resources offer a Fire Blowing Tube like John's. After two years of having just the right collapsible stainless steel tube made to our specifications, we now offer the "Fire Blowing Tube" for our customers. 

WARNING: The Fire Blowing Tube is strictly for blowing oxygen through. DO NOT inhale when using the tube as it can cause a severe hazard to both the tube and the user. Always FULLY EXTEND the telescoping portion of the tube before using. As always, fire is dangerous so use extreme care when building and extinguishing a fire. Only you can prevent wildfires.

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  • Manufacturer
    Survival Resources