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DIY Moveable Candle Wicks

For many years I used the Nuwick 44 Hour Candle which had Moveable Wicks. The name of the candle was Trademarked and the moveable wicks were patented and were pretty neat. You could put one, two, or three in the can containing the wax, depending the amount of light or heat you wanted.

I was always interested in the moveable wicks, as they were unique. A few years ago I was looking at the wicks and something about them was very familiar, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Then one day I was making a leather sheath. I got out one of my pipe cleaners, as I use them to apply the edge dressing to my sheaths and holsters. Holding the pipe cleaner, I recognized it as the same type of material as the Nuwick moveable wicks. They had wire on the inside, and the outside were cotton. The only difference is they were not coated in wax.

Once the light went on in my head, I had to try to see if I could replicate the Nuwick moveable wick. As it turned out, I was correct and the wicks I made were just as functional as the Nuwick wicks.

The following is a quick photo tutorial on how you can make these moveable wicks for yourself. They work great in a can of wax without wicks in them. You can use any old wax and melt it in a can or any type container you want to use. I use the leftovers of old candles and melt them in a double boiler and pour them into 8 oz. Screw Top Tins which we offer at Survival Resources.

Before I go any further, I did mention that these moveable wicks were Patented. I did a search and as far as I can tell, the Patent ran out and was not renewed. Whether it is active or not, it is not illegal to replicate a patented item, it is only illegal to sell it. So making these wicks for yourself is not a problem.

This the Nuwick 44 Hour Candle with matches, tweezers, and 3 moveable wicks.

This is a close-up of the Nuwick Moveable Wicks.

Before you start there are few supplies you will need in order to complete this project. First, and foremost, you will need some All Cotton pipe cleaners. You will need a pencil, or something of a similar diameter, and a pair of tweezers. For tools, I suggest a pair of side cutter pliers, and a pair of needle nose pliers. You will also need some melted candle wax or paraffin. I use a can inside a small pot as a double boiler type arrangement, to melt the wax. I normally just use the left overs of old candles for wax. That's it to get started.

These are the supplies and tools you will need, plus some old candles or paraffin.

The first step is to twist a pipe cleaner into the shape of the Nuwick moveable wick. I do this by twisting it around a pencil until it meets itself, and then bend it in and then up. I leave approximately 1/2" standing up in the center, then cut off the remainder of the pipe cleaner with the side cutter pliers. I use the needle nose pliers to shape the center piece to lean in and then up in the middle. After doing several, you can normally shape it with your fingers, after wrapping it around the pencil.

This shows the initial wrap of the pipe cleaner around the pencil.

This shows the bending in and up of the remainder of the pipe cleaner.

Three future moveable wicks after being trimmed at a height of approximately 1/2" tall.

Normally while I'm doing the above, I have the double boiler going on the stove so that the paraffin wax is melted and ready for the dipping of the wick to be. Once the wax is melted, I take each pipe cleaner wick and dip it in the liquid wax, using tweezers, and then set it on a piece of aluminum foil to harden. I do this with each of the pipe cleaner wicks. I then start over and dip each again, and back to the aluminum foil. I normally do this process four times, but you can do it as many times as you see fit. The idea is to build up a good coat of wax on the pipe cleaner wicks.

Using tweezers, the pipe cleaner wicks are ready to dip in the melted paraffin wax.

Dipping the pipe cleaner wick in the melted paraffin.

The newly coated wick is taken out and set on aluminum foil to harden.

This shows the completed moveable wicks after four coats of paraffin.

In order to use these moveable wicks, you will need to make a candle without a wick in some type of a container. Again, I use the 8 oz. screw top tin that we sell at Survival Resources. You can use any type container and I have made some in an altoids tin. The problem with a container that is not very tall is that you cannot store the wicks inside when not in use.

When you use the wicks, you just light them and set them on the wick-less candle. It will initially set on top of the paraffin until it starts to melt the paraffin in the container. It will then make a small pool of liquid paraffin and it will set there burning like a regular wick. You can use one, two, or as many as you need, or will fit, in your chosen container.

This shows the initial lighting and you can place it where you desire on the paraffin.

This shows three wicks being used and the pool of paraffin they float on.

When you are done using your candle, blow out the wicks and, using tweezers, remove them from the container and let them cool and harden. I usually set the hot wicks in the lid of the tin. Once the candle, and wicks, have cooled you can place the wicks in the container and they will be ready for the next use. They can be used over and over again.

This shows the wicks cooling in the lid as the candle cools.

I store the moveable wicks in the candle tin along with a small pair of tweezers and a Bic.

The candle is now ready for the next time I need it!

Well that is all there is to making your own Moveable Candle Wicks! We hope you enjoyed this article and will help support our efforts by checking out our products. As always, Be Prepared To Survive!

Copyright © 2014 by John D. McCann